Every Child Deserves a Shot at a Bright Future!
Below are some bigger steps you can take to join the movement!
Become a
Our Brainiacs donate at
least $25 monthly. Consistent giving helps us focus less on fundraising
and more on providing
great programs and
services to our students!
Serve on a Board
of Directors Committee
Marketing & Communications
Corporate & Community Relations
Board Development
Host a School Supply Drive
Organize a school supply drive at your office, church
or other organization.
Serve on An
Event Planning Team
Work with a team to help plan and organize Noggin Events.
Become a
Challenge your coworkers, neighbors, sorority sisters, church members, etc. to
take the #Boughtabackpack
Host a Book or Children's Bible Drive
Organize a book or children's Bible drive at
your office, church, organization or event.